The windshield in your car protects you from the outside elements. The protection doubles up when you install automotive window tinting. Car windows tinting is beneficial in different ways. Many cars have tinted windows because of their safety features and aesthetic effect.

You can easily find window tint on the market, but it is important to note that not all automotive films will do. You may want to have dark tinted windows for privacy, but you have to know about the darkest legal tint as every state or territory practices specific tinting laws. Check the window tinting laws in your state before you go for a darker tint shade.
In Australia, the legal VLT or Visual Light Transmission, where it measures the light that passes through the window, is 35% for all side and back windows. This means the allowed available light that goes through the window and tint membrane is 35% and the rest is blocked. The legal tint allowed for the windshield is 10%.
Since tinting regulations exist in every city, make sure you know the existing tinting laws in your area and also in other parts of the country so that you won’t get a tinting violation ticket. If you want to have your car windows tinted, it is best to look for a tinting specialist to install a window tint on your car. This way you know that the tint you choose follows the existing tinting laws in your area.
Today, many tint specialists offer mobile window tinting services. Rather than taking your car to a tinting shop, the shop will come to your location.